

The programme at a glance – Weekdays (Mon – Fri)
VYF’s flagship programme, Soup Kitchen, was initiated ten years ago in a single room located in Andheri, Mumbai. Like we had imagined, this was soup for our soul and for those hungry and homeless hearts drifting along the streets. As our activities scaled up, we realized the immense needs to intensify all efforts towards this project. These street children were not only roofless but also alienated from a civilized society, and lacked any concept of living as part of a society.


Non Formal Education
Social Awarness and Self Development
Value Education, Social Security and Confidence
Self Sustaining Skills
Knowledge Growth


Age: 4-16 years, homeless, straight from the streets


Andheri, Mumbai opposite Versova Police Station

Monday to Friday – 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm


Street children require special attention. Around 20-25 children attend Soup Kitchen daily.

Most of them are children of beggars, indigenous toy makers, who are self employed in the suburb of Andheri. They live on the road, foothpath and beg at traffic signals. During monsoon they repair umbrellas. They disappear when the Municipality cracks down on them. Hence the Soup Kitchen project has always seen an unsteady movement of children. On any day the number of children could vary from ten to twenty-five.

As hard as it is for us to keep the children focused and engaged in our programmes, it is challenging to influence the parents, and impress upon them the urgency and need for such developmental programmes for their deprived children.